Hoa Lo Prison Relic: To bring history closer to public

Hoa Lo Prison Relic: To bring history closer to public

Hoa Lo prison was built by the French in 1896, to intern thousands of Vietnamese patriotic and revolutionary fighters. Recently, Hoa Lo Prison Relic has received various support and attention from all types of visitors, especially the young ones, who come to this Relic to learn about a glorious past of the nation. Get the facts straight, the Relic has innovated in the way of communication activities, reaching closer to the public, especially young people through Facebook and the official fanpage. Hoa Lo Prison Relic fanpage “Di tich Nha tu Hoa Lo - Hoa Lo Prison Relic” has 168,000 followers so far, receiving more than 156,000 likes, comments and shares daily. Besides the Facebook page, the Management Board of Hoa Lo Prison Relic also focuses on developing content on other social networking platforms. The Management Board of Hoa Lo Prison Relic has applied digital transformation to introduce for the first time an exclusive radio channel on the Spotify platform that makes it easy, interesting and new for the public to learn about history.


Hoa Lo Prison Relic has provided a form of narratives through a headset connected to a recorder to serve visitors. With the automatic narration device, visitors can experience 35 historical stories in their own way. All information about artefacts is conveyed through the stories of political prisoners about the difficult life in prison, comradeship, or dangerous prison breaks… To serve visitors who have not yet had a chance to visit the Relic, the Management Board officially launched the online visiting through virtual gallery space. Here, 3 virtual exhibitions have been placed: "Death vow" (Loi the quyet tu), "Iron iron" (Sat Son), "Lighting the fire of love" (Thap lua yeu thuong) - Stories about each memorable historical period of the nation are presented at the same time through the narration and images to help visitors experience more authentically and easily access the historical story.

One of the most successful tourism products and the pervasiveness of Hoa Lo Prison Relic is to open night tours. Night tours start from 7pm to 8.30pm on Friday and Saturday weekly. During this impressive and unforgettable night tours, visitors will witness the harsh life of former political prisoners. Stories reappear through role plays combined with a realistic light and sound effects system that awakened all emotions of visitors.

Hoa Lo Prison Relic has become the “Red address” to educate patriotism, national pride, and attract many visitors to come, experience and learn.
