Pu Luong Nature Reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradise

Pu Luong Nature Reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradise

Pu Luong is located in two provinces; Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa, about 160 km southwest of Hanoi. It is a popular weekend getaway, but sees relatively few foreign visitors. This makes a nice change from the nearby and more popular Mai Chau. The reserve was established in 1999 to protect the biodiversity of the area. Here you will find a mix of pristine forests and cultivated rice terraces. It is a perfect landscape for a trekking and multi-day hikes are therefore the most popular activity.

1. Water wheels

Part of the charm of Pu Luong are the bamboo water wheels that you see along the river. The rice grown in these parts must be submerged to thrive for a large amount of water (as opposed to mountain rice, which can be grown in dry rice fields). Built by people from the Thai and Muong ethnic groups, the water wheels collect water from low-lying streams to feed the huge rice crops. They are particularly useful during the dry season and periods of drought when the water level is low. You will find the water wheels along the rocky streams that run through Pu Luong.

If you see them up close, you realize how simple but effective the water wheels are. The wheel rotates slowly under its own power, driven by the flowing stream. The length of the bamboo pipe scoops up small amounts of water and once at the top it delivers it into a bamboo tube.

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradiseWhat wheel bringing water to the rice fields

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradiseThe water then flows along an elevated bamboo pipeline. This is very complex and runs several meters through adjacent fields. Once it has reached its destination, the water drips from the bamboo and covers the rice fields. If the rice field is on terraces, every landing runs over the mud dikes to the adjacent field.

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradiseWhater wheels at Pu Luong nature reserve


2. Rice terraces

During your research on Vietnam, you have probably come across that you have to view the rice terraces of Sapa. Few people know that you can also see a similar landscape in the Pu Luong Nature Reserve. Although the terraces are less steep, they are certainly just as beautiful.

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradiseRice terraces in Pu Luong


3. Villages of ethnic minorities

The largest ethnic group living in this area are the White Thai. This group is descended from people from Thailand and the language they speak is also more like Thai than Vietnamese. During your trip you will pass through these minority villages and get a glimpse into a way of life that will hopefully last for a long time. The harmony that people have with nature is rare. The great thing here is that tourism hasn’t effect life, which makes everything very authentic. Staying in one of these villages at a homestays is a great way to experience local culture and see what life is like for these Vietnamese minorities.

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradiseMinority village


4. Mountains, jungle & waterfalls

pu luong nature reserve: 6 highlights in this hidden paradise

Pu Luong has also some incredible jungle, mountains and waterfalls. Most of them can be best explored by hiking and there are lots of trials to choose from. Most of them you will see the terraces rice fields, villages, mountains and jungle. The Thac Hieu Waterfall is the most known waterfall and can also be reached with a short hike from Hieu village. It is a great place to relax or even take a dip to cool down after your trekking.


5. Caves

Hang Dơi - Bat Cave | Yeudulich

There are a few caves in Pu Luong. Doi Cave (Hang Doi) is the biggest one and you can make a trekking to the cave. The cave itself is not very spectacular compared with the caves in Phong Nha, but the way to get there is amazing. It is close to Kho Muong village, of the White Thai. A short trekking through the village and the rice fields, where you can witness how the local minorities work on the fields, takes you to Hang Doi Cave. Their are thousands of bats living inside the cave with 5 different species.


6. Local market
Trọn bộ" kinh nghiệm du lịch Pù Luông CHI TIẾT NHẤT

If you happen to be in Pu Luong on either a a Thursday or Sunday, make sure to visit the local market in Pho Doan. At the Pho Doan market (or Pu Luong market) local Thai minorities from all over the area come in their beautiful traditional clothes to trade their products. Most of the products are food, like vegetables, meat and fruit, clothes, cloths, silk, farm equipment and household goods. This mountainous market is fun to watch and very traditional.
