Discovering the wind farm in Bạc Liêu

Discovering the wind farm in Bạc Liêu

Tourists visit Bạc Liêu wind farm. — VNS Photo Dương Diễm Thúy


Working out what’s the best way to provide power to the nation is no easy task. As we search for cleaner and greener sources, more and more wind farms are appearing around the country.

These gargantuan structures appear like faraway palm trees growing out of the ocean.

As we desperately seek ways of reducing our carbon footprint, these metal monsters could be key to a brighter and better future.

Some may feel they are ugly, a big blot on Việt Nam’s beautiful landscape, but if you ever get the chance to be up close and personal at one of these locations, your way of thinking maybe be altered.

In Bạc Liêu Province, one wind farm is fast becoming a popular spot to visit for many tourists.

From Bạc Liêu City, through the ancient longan garden and Xiêm Cán Pagoda, we reached the farm located in the coastal area of Vĩnh Trạch Đông Commune, more than 10km from the city centre.

For just VNĐ30,000, tourists can buy a ticket to discover the farm which is considered the new symbol of Bạc Liêu Province, greatly contributing to the local development.

The 3m-wide concrete road runs above the sea surface, leading us close to the turbines like giant pinwheels slowly spinning in the wind.

Looking up at the huge turbine towers standing high on the sky, few people know that this place was once forests of bần and đước trees. Below the concrete road is layers of stones arranged alternately, forming a "rock fence" to prevent erosion.

In the context of wind and waves roaring day and night without stopping, we feel the smallness of man in front of nature but nature had to submit to human intelligence, when wind - the "specialty" of Bạc Liêu, was transformed into energy to serve life.

Sunset at Bạc Liêu wind farm. — Photo


Bạc Liêu wind farm was the first wind power project in Việt Nam built in 2010. It is considered one of the largest wind power projects in the country. This is also the first wind farm in Southeast Asia built on the continental shelf, with 62 turbines on the coast. Each turbine is about 80m high and its propellers are 42m long.

We enjoyed the arrangement of the wind turbines like giant knights towering above, and the vast fields where beautiful and impressive pictures could be taken anywhere.

“We have been to Bạc Liêu Province many times but this is our first time visiting this place. The scenery here is very beautiful and majestic. Our whole family loves it very much,” said Dương Diễm Thúy living in HCM City.

“The arrangement of the turbines combined with the roads here is very easy; we can go from one area to the other without any problems. Looking from a distance, the landscape is as beautiful as the European sky. We have taken a lot of good photos here.”

In 2019, Bạc Liêu wind farm was recognised as a typical tourism destination by the Mekong Delta Tourism Association. — VNS Photo Dương Diễm Thúy


The wind farm attracts thousands of visitors every month. Huỳnh Thị Bảo Trâm, a tourist from Cần Thơ, said: “Having seen the giant wind turbines with my own eyes, I feel proud and admire the will of the people who created this project. It has brought me many interesting emotions and experiences, completely different from other places I have been to.”

In addition to the opportunity to explore the wind power field, this is also a chance to visit the pristine mangrove forests and fish cages of people living in the coastal area.

Seeing the possibility of developing this place into an attractive tourist destination, Bạc Liêu Province has combined eco-tourism, forestry and aquaculture.

According to the Department of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism of Bạc Liêu Province, Bạc Liêu wind farm is a pioneering project in the field of renewable energy, combating climate change, and protecting forests. In addition, the project also attracts a large number of tourists to visit, contributing to creating jobs and improving people's lives, while promoting the socio-economic development of the locality.

The propellers are made of special plastic and are 42m long. They have self-closing control systems to avoid damage during big storms. — VNS Photo Dương Diễm Thúy


In 2019, this place was recognised as a typical tourism destination of the Mekong Delta Tourism Association. In order to exploit and promote the potential of this destination, Bạc Liêu has been calling for investors to build high-class resorts and entertainment services as well as creating tours in association with neighboring destinations such as Quan Âm Phật Đài Pagoda, ancient longan garden and Bạc Liêu Prince's house to increase the experience for visitors.

After being recognised as a tourism destination, Bạc Liêu wind farm has increased its appeal to visitors. Currently, the farm has become a famous tourism attraction in the southwest region, enriching tourism spots of the province.

To visit this destination, people should take note of the safety requirements of the national grid corridor, especially in the prohibited areas.
