Uphold Culture, Sports and Tourism cooperation activities on 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Egypt

Uphold Culture, Sports and Tourism cooperation activities on 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Egypt

Speaking at the meeting, Egyptian Ambassador Amal Abdel Kader Elmorsi Salama stated, despite there being a long geographical distance between the 2 countries, Egyptian people always give full respect to Vietnamese culture, country and people. This is also the basis to promote and strengthen culture, sports and tourism cooperation activities between Vietnam and Egypt. 2023 will mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Vietnam, Egypt will organise several celebrating events. Therefore, Ms. Amal Abdel Kader Elmorsi Salama hopes that Vietnam will offer a favourable condition for Egypt to organise these events, including Egyptian movie screening in Vietnam.

Regarding the sports field, Egypt shows interest in Vietnamese martial arts. The Egyptian Ambassador said that in the upcoming meeting of the Vietnam - Egypt Joint Committee, Egypt will propose sports cooperation in the meeting to promote comprehensive cooperation in culture, sports and tourism between Vietnam and Egypt.

Regarding the tourism field, Egyptian Ambassador Amal Abdel Kader Elmorsi Salama said, Covid-19 severely impacts the number of visitors of both countries. Accordingly, Ms. Amal Abdel Kader Elmorsi Salama hopes that in the near future, the two countries will have meetings and exchange experiences among leaders in the field of tourism, thereby building a strategy to help tourism develop. The Egyptian Ambassador indicates that the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism has been researching and proposing additional ideas to connect the two countries' airways, making it easier for people to travel.

Highly appreciates the efforts of Egypt in cooperation in the fields of culture, sports and tourism of the two countries, MOCST’s Deputy Minister Ta Quang Dong stated, Vietnam will put every effort to uphold the cooperation with Egypt in all 3 fields. Vietnam will organise many cultural and tourism activities such as International Circus Festival, International Film Festival in Ha Noi, International Dance Festival, Hue Festival, International Tourism Fair, Visit Vietnam Year… These are grand cultural and tourism events, and also the occasion to exchange and share experiences to develop culture and tourism. D.M. Ta Quang Dong hopes that Egypt will attend these events and enhance exchange activities in various fields.

The potential in culture, sports and tourism cooperation between the 2 countries is huge, hence, Vietnam and Egypt should coordinate closely to strengthen the cooperation in these 3 fields through events and activities to promote tourism cooperation associated with cultural heritage conservation, sports cooperation, etc., said D.M. Ta Quang Dong.

D.M. Ta Quang Dong further stated, Egypt is located in an important geographical position in the African region, has a lot of experience in tourism development, destination management, and attracting tourists. He hopes that Egypt will share these experiences of tourism development with Vietnam to increase the number of tourist exchanges between 2 countries.
