Hunting for clouds in central Vietnam

Hunting for clouds in central Vietnam

For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy peace and quiet under a carpet of clouds floating above, Buoc Mu village in Na Ngol commune is an unmissable destination.

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Situated 250 km from Vinh city, Buoc Mu village represents an ideal place for cloud hunters.

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The most ideal time for cloud hunting is usually from November until the end of March every year.

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To reach Buoc Mu visitors are able to travel by car or motorbike. From the centre of Na Ngoi commune, visitors can move to the Boo Mu Border Guard Station, the only way to reach the destination.

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Visitors are able to observe the movements of clouds and feel as if there's a sea of clouds floating under their feet.


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They can also set up camp somewhere along the way in order to savour the breathtaking beauty on offer.


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Cloud hunting is no piece of cake, as this activity requires great effort and patience.


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A cloud hunter must wake up early in order to find an ideal place with a panoramic view. They must then wait for dawn and for the sun to calmly shine down on the magnificent sea of clouds.


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In addition to Buoc Mu, visitors can travel another 15km by road to check-in on Pu Xai Lai Leng peak, an area bordering Vietnam and Laos.


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Pu Xai Lai Leng is 2,782 metres high and has been dubbed the roof of Nghe An province.
