Marvel At The Masara Pink Grass Hill In Lam Dong

Marvel At The Masara Pink Grass Hill In Lam Dong

Located in Ta Nung commune, Duc Trong district, Lam Dong province, Masara is known as the beautiful pink grass hill with gorgeous and breathtaking natural scenery. From mid-November to mid-December is the time when this place is covered with pink by this special grass, attracting many young people coming here to explore.

Pink grass is a short grass that blooms only once a year. The dew-covered blades of grass become sparkling under the sunrise, creating a spectacular scene that captures the tourist’s heart.

Pink grass is a short grass that blooms only once a year.

At different times of the day, the color of the grass here will change. Sunrise and sunset are the best times to admire the scenery and take photos at Masara. Many tourists and aspiring photographers often choose to camp overnight so that they will not miss these beautiful moments.

The beauty in Masara Hill in Lam Dong has its unique and rare traits. Travelers will feel like they are immersed in the vast space opening right in front of their eyes.

A lot of people choose this destination to have their time away from their busy lives.

Occasionally, there are a few lonely pine trees or standing in a group of about three or four trees that adorn the large space. The trees grow strong and tall through the years, creating cool shadows on the ground where young travelers can sit under their shades on hot summer days, and put up tents to camp the nights.

A lot of people choose this destination to have their time away from their busy lives and breathe in the fresh air, which brings them a sense of relaxation and tranquility. With photographers and artists, Masara is a perfect place to create their art pieces and take inspiration from nature to draw, write a song, or capture the most precious moments with their camera lenses.

Travelers can enjoy camping overnight here.

Ngo Anh Tuan - a Representative of Dalat Discovery – said that “The wind is very strong this year, so the grass hills are not as beautiful as usual, but the number of tourists booking camping tours is still increasing”. He also remarked that the grass hill is at its most amazing state, and by mid-December the grass begins to wither.

Since the hill here is not too high and steep, travelers can ride their motorbikes around and find the most beautiful spot to enjoy the lovely view. They can also read books, listen to music, or find a small quiet corner to host their camping or picnic day.

Masara Hill does not have many trees, so the wind here is very strong. The steppe is quite large, and to ensure safety, travelers should go camping in groups or choose a tour provided by units.

Marvel At The Masara Pink Grass Hill In Lam Dong

Visitors should prepare warm clothes, sleeping bags, and hot packs to stay healthy when camping overnight on this grass hill. Photo: Ngo Anh Tuan

The last months of the year are the most beautiful time in Lam Dong province, but the weather is quite cold. Visitors should prepare warm clothes, sleeping bags, and hot packs to stay healthy when camping overnight on this grass hill.

Located in the Central Highlands region, Lam Dong is a mountainous province, and 70% of its area is covered in forest. To the north, it borders Dak Lak and Dak Nong provinces, to the southeast, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, and Binh Thuan provinces, and on the west, on Binh Phuoc and Dong Nai provinces.

Marvel At The Masara Pink Grass Hill In Lam Dong

Since the hill here is not too high and steep, travelers can ride their motorbikes around and find the most beautiful spot to enjoy the lovely view. Photo: Ngo Anh Tuan

The remarkable characteristic of Lam Dong's topography is the fairly distinctive division of tiers from north to south. The north of the province is high mountains, the Lang Bian plateau, with summits of altitudes between 1,300m - and above 2,000m such as Bidoup (2,287m), and Lang Bian (2,167m). The east and the west are mountains with modest altitudes (500m - 1,000m). The south is topographically the transition from the Di Linh - Bao Loc plateau to the semi-flat country.

Lam Dong province has a tropical climate with monsoon. On the whole territory, due to a complex topography, there is a difference in elevation and degree of vegetation covering. However, the weather of Lam Dong is temperate and mild all year round, notable changes are rare in the annual cycle. The temperature varies distinctly between areas and the higher it is, the lower the temperature is.

The range of the average annual temperature is 16ºC - 23ºC. The dry season is from December to March next year. The rainy season is from April to November. It is always sunny every day. The annual rainfall is not distributed equally in time and place. Its range is 1,600 - 2,700mm. The side of the area towards the southwest wind (Bao Loc Town) has a high annual rainfall amounting to 3,771mm.
